Big Squid RC's "mini-review" of Castle's Polarized Connectors



The gang at Big Squid RC - and specifically, Iron Mike, the self-proclaimed "connoisseur of the destruction of rc cars" - recently installed some of our innovative Castle Polarized Connectorsand completed a "mini-review" of them. What did they think? Here are couple nuggets we pulled out. "The Castle connectors are no joke for power handling."



"Some connectors can’t quite handle the high current demands of 8th scale applications, while others can, but wear out too quickly. We found the Castle 6.5mm connectors easily handled the current demands of 8th scale monster trucks while showing very little wear after a couple months of use."



They also showed the recommended soldering method and put the 6.5mm Castle Connectors to the test in a Thunder Tiger MT4 G3, a Durango DEX408 V2 buggy, and an ARRMA Kraton(along with a Mamba Monster 2 and 2650kV motor upgrade), and the 4.0mm units in a Pro-Line PRO-MT and a Vaterra Halix.

Zip on over to Big Squid RC to read the full mini-review of the Castle Creations Polarized Connectors or here for their step-by-step installation of the Mamba Monster 2 and 2650kV motor into their ARRMA Kraton.